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Robert 'The Rebelbroker' Whitelaw is a real estate broker and Realtor® in Morgan Hill, California with over 25 years experience! His show discusses some of the best ways to achieve your real estate goals and build wealth for buyers, sellers, investors, entrepreneurs or just real estate watchers - from an insiders perspective.

Over the years, Robert has been lucky enough to work with successful entrepreneurs from all walks of life and industries. Get a chance to hear what he has learned from these amazing entrepreneurs over the years that will help YOU achieve success! Robert is about keeping things honest (even when that means saying the things that nobody else is willing to say) and providing value to listeners with each and every episode! He won't just drop the news on you, he will translate it into actions you can take as a buyer, seller, investor or entrepreneur in your own life to get the most out of that shared knowledge! Knowledge is power and Robert believes in cranking it up to 11!

So tune in for helpful information no matter how you are working to achieve financial freedom!

It's real estate, totally unafraid!


CBRE - 00984909

Sep 20, 2018

Some interesting things are going on with the Reno real estate market.

reno real estateToday we are going to look at some numbers and get into details about why it looks like the southern Reno real estate area could be a great place to invest. Even better, Reno is only about a 5 hour drive from Silicon Valley, so for all you investors...

Sep 14, 2018

Real estate looks like it is continuing to see supply and demand converge

real estateWe are pulling data from a few sources for todays show. While we have chatted about the apartment market, today we can talk a little about the areas of softness we are seeing in the single family residential real estate market. The data...

Sep 12, 2018

The apartment rental market is facing challenges in some surprising markets!

[caption id="attachment_11481" align="alignright" width="243"]apartment rental Free-Photos / Pixabay[/caption] Metro areas that the media has been celebrating for their growth and unstoppable markets appear to be stalling. In terms of apartment rental markets,...

Sep 10, 2018

Lets look at the WalletHub list of the best places to flip houses - and more!

[caption id="attachment_11473" align="alignright" width="248"]Flip Houses ArtisticOperations / Pixabay[/caption] While this list of best places to flip houses will tell us exactly that - where to flip houses - it will also give us insights into where...

Sep 7, 2018

What is the biggest trick real estate agents use when working with clients? We will discuss that today!

real estateFor those of you that have been listening to my show for a while, you know that I take a slightly different approach. In terms of what I consider to be the "Right" way to do things, the current dominant attitude in...