Mar 25, 2016
Plus: Where are folks moving to?
In order to achieve your goals, you need to understand where demand is likely to be and what the largest number of folks out there are going to be looking for. Right now, Millennials seem to be the segment of the market that everyone wants to chase. From time to time, we seem to be told that this block of buyers and sellers share some common traits. I am not sure I completely buy that logic, but today we are going to review an article that supposedly clues us in to the things we must know in order to attract those illusive Millennials. As you might be able to guess from my tone, I am not in 100% agreement with many of these assumptions, but lets take them for a spin and see if they make sense.
Of course, another crucial tidbit of information for any buyer, seller, investor or real estate entrepreneur is knowing where folks are going. Where people go, there will be increased demand for homes to buy and rent. So, we will take a look at the numbers just released from the US Census telling us where folks chose as their destinations in 2015.
As always, you can find links to all the articles used in todays show in the show notes at